Saturday, June 25, 2011


The Legacy the new band of ToonsTunes.
coming out


heartbreak kid

Saturday, June 11, 2011


hey guys membership is coming out soon on toonstunes.
maybe it will come in 1 week.
you all must buy membership.

thank you

heartbreak kid

Friday, June 3, 2011

Author contest.

Hey guys, I have a contest for you:

All you have to do is make a cool TTU header!

What's your prize, you ask?
You get to be an author on TTU, and your header will get used on TTU!

Only requirements are that you MUST have a ToonsTunes account, a blogger account, and GOOD grammar ;)

Thanks guys.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Magic's blog has been HACKED!

Hey guys, I was just wanting to inform you that Magic's blog has been hacked.

I'd recommend not visiting it until this gets sorted out, as the hacker has been a bit inappropriate!

Thanks guys.
